Saturday, January 24, 2009

I am an Aunt

Ryan and Emilee had their baby yesterday. I took LOTS of pictures. So here are a few!


Bridger Dale Porter






Destini said...

Congrats! Now will you come and take pictures when I have my baby?? They are too cute!

Becca Jo said...

So cute! Congratulations!! It is weird you brother is old enough to have a baby :)

Amy said...

Very cute and how fun to be an aunt! Congrats! You do take great pictures. I agree with Destini 100%. By the way I like how much you have been blogging lately. Keep it up:)

Patterson5 said...

Ohh...Bridger is SOO cute! I can't believe Ryan is a dad. Wasn't it just yesterday when he was a little boy and we were dressing him up and painting his finger nails?! Congrats to him and to you for becoming an aunt!

Shannon said...

Sure thing Destini!!

Shannon said...

BTW...Becca made it possible for those pictures to happen!!! Thanks for Babysitting!!!!!

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