Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Fathers Day, Riley

Yesterday Riley and I drove down to American Fork and got this Motor Scooter for Riley to drive to work. It gets 80+ miles per gallon, tops out at 65mph, and it was affordable for us. So the plan is to save about $200 a month on gas! Yay! Plus it is fun to ride around town on. We cruised all over town for our date night last night and had a blast. So since its Fathers Day this weekend, we are counting this as a Fathers Day gift.

DSCF3223 DSCF3219

Don't you love the color and style? we do! :)


Destini said...

Thats so cute! I think I need one of those too. Have fun Riley, be careful you two.

WheelersFamily said...

I love it. I have been trying to talk Joe into getting us one.

Amber said...

I ditto the be careful part!!! I would love one for Ty to drive to work, but they scare me to death! It is way cool though and looks like alot of fun!

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