Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day of Drama

This morning Riley left for work early to check his traps (his newest hobby: Trapping)

And he had something in his trap and he was very aware of what it was right after it sprayed him...yes a skunk.

So he comes home and kicks me out of the shower to wash off the smell before he goes back to work.

But it wasn't good enough.

He came back home a few hours later so that he could wash in tomato juice.

Well after trying a lot of different home remedies to de-skunkify him, he finally smelt better. We did think however that we were going to have to buzz his hair.

So he left to go back to work. But he left some of the smell behind at home. So I turned on every ceiling fan we have and cracked several windows, sprayed the whole house with the Fabreeze Air stuff and after a whole day I think the smell is mostly gone. (maybe I am just used to the smell)

Then if that wasn't enough I had to take Smokey to the Vet and we have found out that he has heartworm, and our other two dogs probably have it too. A terrible end to a rotten (pun intended) day.

But we seem to be in good spirits now. Wonder what tomorrow will bring. Can't be worse....right?


Destini said...

Wow Shannon that was quite the day. I am sorry to hear about your dogs, that is awful. Just think if Riley keeps getting sprayed by skunks we will be able to occupy the dog house nicely. J/K

Becca Jo said...

LOL that's what Riley get's for trapping :) Sorry about the dogs though.

Patterson5 said...

I wonder if Riley wants to continue with his new hobby now....
And you get to clean up after him, how fun. Sorry about all that "fun" you've been having. I wonder if Riley would think it funny if I walked into your house and said, "what's that smell?" Okay just kidding I'm sure your house doesn't even smell. Good luck with the dogs too. Not fun!!

Abby Fowers said...

Hi Shannon! It's Abby! I was blog stalking and found YOU! How fun! I am going to add you to my list if that's okay. Your family is SO cute! Now I can better keep in touch with you! my blog is..

Brooke said...

Ha ha I'm sorry I'm laughing. I thought only things like that happened to us! I'm sorry you had a crappy day. Maybe that will cure his desire for this new hobby!

Stacie said...

Okay, that's a pretty bad day. I'm glad you're back in good spirits. I'm so happy to have found your blog. You have a very cute family!

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