Monday, October 6, 2008

So I did have a productive weekend....

But now the house is a disaster zone.  I may have gotten 2000 photo's organized, edited, sorted and ready for digi scrapping, plus sorting though all my pro files to find lost or misplaced personal photos. (found way too many)

But the cushions on the couch upstairs are all askew, dirty dishes in the sink, clean ones in the dishwasher and Breakfast bowls still sitting out on the counter.

Last weeks laundry still in baskets with this weeks clothes ready and needs to be washed.

Toys all over the house, randomly laying all over the place.

And here I am blogging, checking email, placing orders and checking forums.

Guess I should get off and get going before Riley gets home.


What's for dinner?


Becca Jo said...

don't worry, I don't judge your "disaster zone". :) Just as long as you don't ever judge mine!!

Amber said...

Sounds like my day.....well except for getting all the pictures and emails and stuff done. I get nothing done and still my house and life are like that!

Brooke said...

Ha ha ha I love reading your blogs. You sound like me! Joys of being a mother and trying to keep up with everything!

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